How to Protect your Passwords from Getting Hacked

We are online and we have put our most crutial and sensitive data on internet but we don’t realize the fact that we are very much prone to cyber attacks that can exploit us in many ways.

We need to take some immediate actions to help protect our data online and this can be done by learning the basics of online hacking. If you know how they do this then you can save yourself from them.

According to one of the most famous case study which follows like this:-

“In an attack online, Security experts suspected that the confidential data was taken from computers infected with malicious software that logged key presses. More than two million stolen passwords for sites like Facebook, Google and Yahoo were reportedly posted online by cyber criminals. Security experts suspect that the confidential data was taken from computers infected with malicious software that logged key presses. Security firm Trustware discovered the site containing the leaked passwords and the researchers believed that the passwords had been harvested by a large botnet, dubbed Pony that had scooped up information from thousands of infected computers worldwide.”

Many Security researcher claim that 30-40 percent of people use the same passwords on different websites which makes the leaked information more vulnerable and easily accessible to hackers.

There are many softwares that are capable to try more than 1 million password combinations on any account registered online. No human efforts required so they can crack many passwords within minutes. These software requires only few keywords and that is all. 

Hackers reportedly installed keylogging software on an indeterminate number of computers worldwide over a period of about a month beginning Oct. 21, to capture login credentials for major websites. These hackers then directed the breached data to servers they controlled.

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Another case “On Nov. 24, cybersecurity firm Trustwave tracked the hackers’ server located in the Netherlands and found that more than 93,000 websites were victims of this massive security breach; 41,000 credentials used to connect to File Transfer Protocol (FTP, the standard network used when transferring big files) and 6,000 remote logins, were also reportedly compromised.”

Some of the already compromised websites include:

· 318,000 Facebook accounts

· 70,000 Gmail, Google+ and YouTube accounts

· 60,000 Yahoo accounts

· 22,000 Twitter accounts

· 9,000 Odnoklassniki accounts (a Russian social network)

· 8,000 ADP accounts (ADP says it counted 2,400)

· 8,000 LinkedIn accounts

how to stay safe online
how to create strong passwrords


Were you on the hackers’ hit list? How can you find out and what do you do about it?

Like most of you, I am on Twitter, Facebook, Google and every other major website or social network out there, and though I have learned that privacy and the Internet in the same sentence is an oxymoron, we still hope for a certain modicum of security when using these sites.

To be on the safe side, I recommend changing all your passwords immediately and refraining from posting all your personal information online, although that ship may have already sailed for most of us.

Also follow some basic steps to save your self from all these attacks online

Step 1 :- Never reveal your personal information on mails, facebook or any chat box.

Step 2 :- Create tough passwords that can never be guessed.

Step 3 :- don’t use the same password on multiple sites , on multiple accounts.

Step 4 :- never use hard keyboards to type in the passwords on unknown network or computers. There are key-loggers software that stores the content what you type. Use virtual keyboards instead.

Step 5 :- Never log into unknown network available at many workstations. They may be carrier of malicious malware.

Step 6 :- If you feel like your account has been hacked then quickly change the passwords of your account.

Step 7 :- Use some good anti-virus software to protect you on internet phishing.

Step 8 :- Never open any mail from unknown sources. A real mail will always have a valid name of the person and the mail id.

Step 9:- Don’t get trapped in the mail chains stating awards of money or some other offer that you haven’t applied for.


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These steps will help you play safe online and stay secure from hacking events. But these are not the ultimate solutions to your problems online. There are many ways by which they can entrap you and leak your information. To protect yourself from any such event always think before you do anything online. Don’t keep sensitive data online and use passwords manager to save all your passwords. Also don’t keep your passwords in written form anywhere in your pockets.

Having a strong password can lower the risk of a security breach. Learn how to create a strong password.

1) Make it Non-sense. This way your password can not be guessed easily.

2) Have a password length of at least 8 characters. It can be more than that also but it should have 8 characters minimum threshold.

3) Use Special Characters in between to make more harder to judge.

4) You can use uppercase letters in your word as well. This way it becomes more complicated. Mixing upper and lower case letters along with special characters.

5) You can also add numbers in your passwords. make it alphanumeric.


We hope you have learn some strategies to save yourself from online data stealing. Share it with your friends and make them aware of such activities that are threatening online community.



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