Best and Effective Blogging Ideas you can Work upon Anytime

People often get confused what to blog about? Writing a blog on something that you have no knowledge about is surely going to sink you. Start a blog on something you like and know about. There are many blogging ideas and fields that you can explore. Surely you can write about the below mentioned topics but choose wisely because a good blog is all about good and knowledgeable thoughts and ideas.

You are looking to start a new blog and are confused what should you blog about. What should the area of blogging be that can help you earn at the same time. Your confusion ends here. We will discuss the best blogging ideas that you can implement and start a website of your own.


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discover new blogging ideas and start blogging now


“Technology and Gadgets”

techno_quikrpost_logogadgets-quikrpostThe ever changing technology and new gadgets launched every evening are like the fruits that everyone wants to taste. Everyone wants to know the latest technology in the market and the upcoming one as well. People are so much involved with their smartphones and laptops that they hardly care about newspapers. Everything is revolving around technology and you can never get tired of writing about it and learning about it. It is what market demands.

Although this area has been explored by many bloggers so you need to do something more specific like talking about a particular type of technology for instance “wearable technology” or “green technology”.

You can also write about various technology giants in the market and what are they planning to bring next in the market.

Ideas are many and we can discuss more but we are here for exploring more such areas so lets move to the next blog topic.



There are so many books and authors out there that people now struggle to find the best one out. Solve this problem and you are the master and guide to them. Start a blog on e-books and inform about the book reviews and index. You can share the ebook writing tips and ideas. Also you can be the ebook consultant for many upcoming ebooks.



If you think you are very much familiar with blogging and knows all the do’s and don’ts of blogging then this is it. Go for it. There are around 10 crore websites over internet. Almost thousands of them are created and deleted daily. So you can easily estimate your market that you can target and earn. But what will make you more noticeable is your knowledge sharing capability. Many bloggers don’t share the real secrets and that is where they lose the competition.

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There are so many subjects that are open to work upon and you can choose any one of that of your interest and choice and share your knowledge with others and earn at the same time. Many people after working for many years in a particular industry and gaining lots of experience do start a tutorial blog and make a very good investment for their retirements. Since these blogs share articles that doesn’t change much over time they earn even when they don’t work.


“Health Blogging”

You can never create a world that does not faces health problems and issues. Doctors are really not very trust worthy now and people often find consulting a doctor costly. Moreover who doesn’t want to confirm the symptoms? There are so many diseases out in the world that even doctors need to cross verify at times of confusion. Internet has become a good source of information and books are now outdated. But remember this is really a very big issue and topic so you should be extra careful with starting on this blog. May be you can discuss the yoga practices, gym practices, basic symptoms and many such small things that are very useful and very common.



Many people have the talent of cooking and many wants to learn. Why not to give some new cooking recipes online and ask people to try at home. This give you a chance to share your recipes and also get huge followers who will know you because of your cooking style and methods.

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what should you blog about
great blogging ideas for writing and reading


Industry that will earn even at times of recessions. Yes this is true. People might not have money for purchasing comfort but they can’t avoid spending money on education because this is the backbone of survival on this planet. Share something that is related to educating people. Like teaching coding styles or giving latest news on various colleges or exams like MAT, CAT, AIEEE etc.

Or you can go for career related blog where you can guide people how to crack interviews or how to present yourself. How to go for GD’s and debate and many such talks. No one is perfect and everyone wants to become one.



You can start a review based website or blog. Reviews about anything on demand like movies, books, websites, e-retail markets, etc.


Photo and video blog”

start your own blog on photography today
blogging on photography skills

You like Photography then you can be photo blogger. This is one of the best blogging ideas any blogger can incorporate and become highly noticeable. Pictures on internet are many a times copy write protected and that is because many professional photographers sell their photos online. So start a profession of photography and sell pictures online. It is easy and really interesting.

You can also create a blog publishing some really good videos that are trends right now or are going viral over internet. People like to watch videos for entertainment point of view.


“Humor blogging”

Have a good sense of Humor? Don’t waste it offline. Use it to earn money big time. You can do many things with a humor blog. Create a video of yours and upload it on blog. Let people not only near you but also far end listen to you and notice you. Give them entertainment and laughter. In the hectic boring life people search for some dose of laughter and smile.


“Sports Blogging”

Are you crazy about sports anyone in particular then show that craziness over internet. Sports blogging is really the best blogging option that you can have. People love to hear about their favorite team and keep themselves updated with the insider news.

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“Creative writing Blogging”

It can be Blogging on social issues, or something that you love to write about. Raising a voice through your blog to create awareness. Think of something and write to show that words have more power than weapons on earth.



“Business and finance Blog”

Business updates related to stock market or international business deals that crack up. Insider news from different sources collected at one place. Something that every business person would love to read and share.


“Fashion and lifestyle blog”

blogging guide at quikrpost
Blogging tutorials at quikrpost

Girls/Womens/ladies all of them love this blogging idea. They love shopping and reading about fashion and lifestyle. We don’t have much blogs on this on internet. So this open up a new blogging opportunity. Explore it.


“Travel blog”

There are many websites that gives you info about travelling but none is that much informative that it can hold to be. Why not to be more informative about the places people want to explore and spend vacations.

Give them what they want at the time of choosing the right place for spending quality time. Trekking is one of the less explored area of blogging. Start a blog to give training on trekking skills and places to trek for professionals and newbies.


lets share because sharing is caring
lets share because sharing is caring


So what is your option now? What are you planning to blog about?

If you have any other good idea share it with us and we will surely help you get noticed.

Do comments about your views and opinions.




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