10 Essential Blogging Things to Learn Before Starting Blog

essential tips for blogging
essential tips for blogging

If you are thinking of Starting a Blog then you should learn these important key points before you actually jump into this because you won’t want your blogging experience to be a bad one.

If you dream to be a blogger and set up a blog that will let you earn money by just working a few hours a day and you can then invest your time in doing some things you always dreamt of then you are surly tempted by looking into the life of some really successful bloggers. The only mistake we make is that we make decisions followed by our temptation and dream. You cannot find a treasure sitting at home and just writing a few articles online. It isn’t like that. I have been in this blogging for more than 2 years now and I have tried so many things out there on internet and have tasted failure a number of times along the way and these mistakes have actually made me a more successful blogger now than I ever was.

These are not any random points that you might find anywhere on internet because we have compiled the list after great deal of research and analysis on internet and offline as well. We talked to many bloggers and blogging forums and then we listed out the points that should help every blogger who wants to start a blog or who is already blogging.

As we said that we are not making this list on any random assumption or faking rules. We talked to many bloggers and asked them about Blogging Essential. Kulwant Nagi who is one of the established blogger on Internet, has shared many experiences with us and is one of the blogger who has guided us to various essential points to blogging.

Let’s check out what are the things every blogger should know before blogging.


Don’t just start blogging after learning that you can earn with your blog. Many bloggers today do blogging just in search of online money making ideas.

Give a nice deep though to your blogging idea and know your strengths. Don’t just start a blog on any random topic or idea. Find out what you can write about and what you can share about. Randomly chosen blogging niche results in failure. Be good at one thing or in other words try to be the king of your domain rather than being a jack of all trades. Working on one thing at a time helps you focus all your attention and skills resulting in a better output while if you chose to work on many things simultaneously then the output will be not worth sharing. It is tempting to do all many things online once you have the knowledge but achieving perfection in all the areas is not a single step process. So when starting your first blog try to lead a particular subject to perfection and scoring a good rank in that.

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  • Stay Consistent

Are you Consistent with your work and efforts? If No then you need to give your blogging idea another thought. If you cannot give time to your blog then expecting it to rank high is useless. You need to be consistent in your work and content delivery. You can attract many readers to your blog but what matters more is how many of them stay connected to your blog after visiting it once. Retaining traffic is more necessary then attracting new traffic every time. You’ve got to attract them, but then also make sure they STAY, and you do that only by being good at something and being recognized for it.


  • You cannot trick every time

If you are thinking of tricking or hacking or something like cheating then you are on the wrong track. You cannot sustain with this longer and will surely go down with your blog. To play right you need to give Quality content on your blog that can actually be admired and appreciated by the readers. You might get some early popularity with your tricks and turns but google algorithm is updated every time you try to outsmart it. So beware and stay on right track. Don’t get in traps of easy traffic buying because they are just fake ads to loot you. They are not successful and hence they need to advertise themselves. Something that sells itself need no advertising tricks.


  • Don’t trust the easy path

“Get thousands of subscribers easily on twitter and Facebook”

“Learn how to get huge website traffic overnight”

“Earn more than $$ in just 2 days”

You must have seen such Titles online and you might have read those articles. But when you apply them practically they will fail for sure because they don’t tell you the secret which is nothing but true honest work and great content.

Why I am focusing on content more? Blogging is another name of sharing ideas and thoughts with people like you who want to interact on the internet with the internet community to gain knowledge. “Blogging” the term was coined keeping this thought in mind but later it was soon converted into a medium of advertising and online marketing platform. This changed many things and now people are fooling around just to make some easy money with blogging.


  • Don’t Fall prey to Internet Scams

There are many loop holes in internet and hackers make good use of these loop-holes in making money by faking accounts and identity.

If it sounds too easy, it’s most likely not true at all, remember this before you start blogging and invest money in blogging ideas.

Consider the fact that people, or the “gurus” who are trying to sell you on these ideas are complete scammers and liars. I am not telling you that every other internet blog or website is possible faking but it is better to know about the blog and its blogger before you actually try to apply any of his advice or suggestion.

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It is not going to be easy if you are going to take blogging as a business because if that would have been the case then every other educated person would have left his job and started making tons of money online.


  • Know Blogging before doing blogging

blogging tips
blogging tips

If you think you know blogging then you might want to answer some simple questions to yourself.

  • Do you know what are the various do-follow, no-follow, backlinks are?
  • Do you know why and when to do guest blogging?
  • What is SEO and why is it so important?
  • What is google bot, panda and penguin update?
  • What is CPC, CPM, CPA?

And many other questions.

You might want to consider learning about these and gain some first-hand knowledge before jumping into blogging. This will help you in gaining more exposure to blogging and stay ahead of other bloggers.


  • Make some Investment

You cannot hit a jackpot without investing money. Yes if your business requires investment then it has to be made because you are not god and you cannot define every rule. You will need to take help from others and no one will help you free of cost. Blogging is also a business if you are thinking of making money out of it. Take Risk but calculated risk and not just random risk. Investing money in something that will surely return you more down the line is more economical and best practice to follow. Start with small investments and then when you think that you are ready to make big investment then go for the opportunity. You can also work on small investments and when you are earning out of it then you can further invest your earning in the same business.


  • What is your cup of tea?

Don’t just work on everything on your own if it is not your cup of tea. If you think that coding and scripting is not your part or you cannot handle this then just focus on content that you write and let the coding part handled by other party who works on your direction and requirements. This way you can bring near to perfection to every aspect of your blogging. No business is truly a one man-show. Everybody needs help and people work together for success.


  • Don’t quit until you are sure

Blogging is something that you can take care of side by side with your job. If you are thinking of quitting your job and just do blogging then make sure you have enough saving to invest in your blogging passion or you are in a state where you are earning good money from your blog. Don’t take steps that you may have to regret after some time. It is true that without complete focus you cannot achieve what you want to in blogging. Moreover keeping a foot on two boats simultaneously will surely not help you reach any of your destination. Take time and think about every aspect of your life and then make decisions.

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Full time bloggers are no doubt more successful because their only focus is blogging.

If you want to quit your job. Then do it when it’s realistic. Make sure you’ve a substantial amount of savings left aside and also a clear direction and purpose on what to do next.


  • “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

Prepare yourself for all types of feedback. Positive feedbacks are going to encourage you but negative feedbacks or critics will discourage you. Don’t take negative feedback as an insult but a method to gain knowledge about your weaknesses. It is rightly said that keep your enemies closer because they will hate you for what you do and will always try to find faults in your system or idea. This gives you free of cost testing and consulting. Moreover people don’t accept new things easily and getting negative critics is a sign that you are on the path of progress. Sooner or later they will join you and will appreciate you for the work you have done.


  • Give Best Quality to your Readers

Try your best to give latest and improved quality to your readers so that they may not feel cheated. A good quality content will surely add value to your blog in a number of ways. Google also praises original content with its ranking algorithm. Don’t compromise on Quality and don’t just work for money. Those who work in making a blog having lots of information to share will automatically grow better.

Quality is more important than quantity if you want to continue your success in the blogging domain.


Final Words from my side

Don’t Quit, Keep making Efforts

There are many bloggers on Internet and only 10% are actually blogging while the rest of them are just trying hard to make money. Many new bloggers Quit in between when they fail to generate any money out of their blog. You have to know that a successful blog is not created overnight. It takes years of hard work and perseverance to set up a successful blog. You need to be patient and determined to work hard over time to achieve a higher goal.

It’s Your Turn

Tell us what do you think and share with us your experience. Is there anything else you think is an essential tip to learn before jumping into blogging?



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