9 Best Ways to Earn with Blog Without Google Ads

Whether it’s a book or an article, every writer wants to be known! They all have one common goal and that is eventually PUBLICITY!

Are you also one of those writers, who want credit for your writing? Very often, writing for a corporate company very often involves a lot of ‘GHOSTWRITING’; where due credit is not given to the writer.

Having a personal blog is one of the simplest ways to grab eyeballs & impact an anonymous audience. Moreover, the reigns are completely in your hands and you get to decide everything; right from the theme of the blog to the content put up on it! So, wouldn’t you want to earn from it as well?

Most people in this digital-savvy world that we live in are well aware of Google AdSense and how it can be used to monetize your blog.  Google AdSense basically is a program that is run by the search engine – Google.  

It enables publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or even interactive media advertisements; which are in turn also targeted to an audience & site content.  

Make sense? Perhaps not; as many people may find these complex Google Analytics complicated.

AdSense often referred to, as ‘Google AdSense’ is an advertising placement service, which is run by Google. This particular program has been designed in such a way that website publishers who would like to display any sort of text, image or video advertisement on different website pages can do so and also EARN money when visitors view or CLICK the ads.

All of the advertisements are administered, sorted and even maintained by Google. These ads can generate revenue either by a ‘per-click’ or ‘per impression’ basis.

So what Google does is uses its ‘internet search technology’ in order to search for different ads that are based on web content, a user’s geographical locations and many other factors. So, in this way anyone who wants to advertise with Google’s targeted advertising system may enroll through Google AdWords.

The ads, most often are in the form of banners when placed on a website and are most often relevant to the content on the website. Google AdSense can basically be used for content, search and for videos.

However, you would require a high traffic website (blog) in order to ensure that you earn a ‘handsome’ income from it!

So, while AdSense is a great way to monetize a blog there are ALSO other ad networks that are available online, that serve as plug and play systems, which can be integrated to a blog; so as to earn money.

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However, before anything it is very important to ensure that your BLOG is UNIQUE – it has to STAND OUT, from the rest! One of the best ways by which you can make sure that your blog has an edge over others is to learn from Experts and share your learnings.

Everyone loves to hear what experts in the field have to say! By including interviews with well-established figures in the field in your blog will definitely help in creating a buzz around your blog! You may also want to include an audio or video (along with transcript) as well!

There is absolutely no need to limit yourself to Ad networks such as Google AdSense or Chitka or any other! There are plenty other ways by which you can monetize your blog without making use of ads!

how to monetize your blog
how to monetize your blog

Alternative Moneymaking Methods


  • Affiliate Marketing: Also known as ‘performance-based’ marketing, affiliate marketing enables a person/business to ‘reward’ an affiliate for each and every customer/visitor that is brought to the blog as a result of the affiliate’s marketing efforts. For instance, products or services can be advertised on the blog to help sell a particular merchant’s products; or even direct the potential customer to the merchant’s website. There are plenty of web affiliate programs, which are available where you as a blogger can earn plenty of money, maybe even more than what you earn from AdSense or any Ad network! Some of the different Companies that you can use include Amazon.com, flipkart.com or snapdeal.com etc.


There are plenty of videos that are available online which can explain how to make use of them! Besides this, you can also subscribe to the webhosting affiliate email newsletter to stay updated on any news related to the same.


  • Product Creation: A blog is great way to reach out to a large audience, without any barriers of geographical distance! So, if you have any product or service of your own, you can offer that to your blog readers, charging a fee for the same. For example, you may offer services such as blog consulting services, which is inclusive of blog optimisation, keyword research, blog monetization methods and SEO. You may also offer social media optimisation tutorials or wordpress training. This is a completely personal one on one coaching. The consultancy is provided online, where you can offer different timings for your services. Skype may also be used and if the person is in the same city, you can also offer personal coaching where you meet in person. 
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  • Blog for Profit: While many turn to blogging as a hobby, it is also one of the easiest ways that you can earn money online! For this, you have to create compelling & original content, there is no question in that! In addition to this, you have to market your blog well using social networking sites! Once you grab eyeballs, you can make use of different ad networks such as CPM ads, infolinks, Buysellads or in-text advertising. You may even make use of two different ideas and implement that into your blog! One very important factor that needs to be remembered is that blogging does not ensure profit! You have to make sure that you have a niche and a proper blog business plan!


  • Become a freelance expert writer: One of the most important things that you need to remember once you have your blog is to offer something that sells! Put yourself in the place of the reader? What would you want to read about and know?


Once you have chosen your niche, make sure you stick by it and offer expert advice in your writing! Write to big companies in your niche and tell them that you are looking for an opportunity to write for them. For example, you may approach a gym where spinning is popular. You can write articles, including expert advice from people in the field about spinning. You can include a catchy title like “Hire me” on your blog for a potential recruiter.


  • Sponsored Reviews: One of the best ways by which you can earn money is through sponsored reviews. Either you can write articles or post ‘advertiser content’ on your blog in exchange for money. So, in short a sponsored post refers to an article that YOU ARE PAID to WRITE or POST on your blog for the advertiser! Thus, you can build links, improve search engine rankings to your blog and increase traffic! This is also known as ‘paid posts’ and is a great way to increase traffic and search engine ranking!


  • Start Premium Blogging: Are you an expert in your field or have a large number of readers for your blog you may want to start a ‘premium blog’ that offers ‘premium content’.


What this means, is that you create compelling content for readers, that is exclusively available to them only after they pay a subscription fee. Integrating a membership option on your blog is a great idea.

You can thus earn from your blog by having a fixed monthly subscription. You can create the content yourself or even outsource it. Some of the prominent people in the field include Neil Patel (United States-based entrepreneur, angel investor and analytics expert) and Om Malik (Indian-American web and technology writer).

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  • Start Consulting: Self-experience can be of great use, especially when it comes to writing. People always want to be able to relate to your writing and if they can; they surely will pay for any consulting programs that you offer and may be of interest to them! For example, if you are blogging about finance and you offer personal finance audit or even coaching; consulting can definitely help you!


  • Prove Yourself as a Professional Blogger: Blogging is a great hobby, but if you use it the right way you can turn this fabulous hobby into a professional service.


Some of the factors to consider if you want to start professional blogging are defining your blog objectives and goals, knowing who your target audience is; what you have to offer/sell, measuring success, differentiating your blog, etc. You may want to have an editorial mission for the blog as well. Once experts identify you; you can start writing paid posts and charge amounts from a network of publishers.


  • Native Advertising: Native Advertising is another way by which you can make huge amounts of money. By blending the advertisement in the form of editorial content, i.e. blending the marketing message for the advertiser in such a manner that the advertisement is concealed in the editorial.

For example, Upworthy – a site, which repackages and curates content with headlines that are built to share, is a good example of native advertising.


So dont worry if google didn’t approved your blog for advertisement. There are plenty ways to earn and some are much more better then advertisements.


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