12 Big Advantages of Using WordPress for Blogging

WordPress for blogging is the well-known CMS Tool. CMS stands for content management system. You can manage your content very easily and powerfully. Joomla, Drupal, Shopify are some other known CMS tool used for website designing and development. Now if you are new to wordpress then few things you need to learn and grab quickly.

Why a large crowd base of Bloggers prefer WordPress ?

WordPress for blogging is used intensively and the main reasons for the large crowd using wordpress is the ease of functionality and possible future integrity available in wordpress. There are lot of plugins available on wordpress for blogging that lets you improve the website design and functionality on regular basis without even touching the backend code. So this makes it really user friendly, especially for those who are not from computer or programming background.


the best blogging and website designing tool
the best blogging and website designing tool


Advantages of using WordPress for Blogging

  1. WordPress lets us decide what theme you want to put up on your blog and it is easy to learn on how to change the theme and look of your blog. It offers a huge variety of free themes that you can use for your blog and configure it according to your need and requirements. Some people who have good knowledge of wordpress and coding, even build their own theme in wordpress for blogging. Thus wordpress gives you huge scope of flexibility as per your need. 
  1. WordPress for blogging is an open source software available online to all. It has highest number of developers creating plugins and themes for it. So you have a huge market already working on wordpress and there to help you. There is wordpress community and open forums where you can put your doubts and questions and get instant solutions from wordpress design experts. They keep updating the tool with new versions released every year. Security is good on wordpress for blogging needs and it can take care of your basic to premium needs easily. 
  1. It offers more unpaid or free themes and plugins than any other content management system can offer. This means that when you want some feature to be added to your blog or website, there is a good enough chance that you will find a plugin already available for it which is free to use for basic functionality. Also you can read reviews about the tool to make your choice. 
  1. WordPress lets user integrate new functionality without worrying about the code. No prior knowledge of PHP or CSS is required to start your blog on wordpress. If you are new to blogging then wordpress is your need and go to. 
  1. No complex systems that cannot be learned if you are not from engineering background. It offers an easy, interactive and simple GUI dashboard that lets users make the changes very easily like filling a form it seems. It can be used by anyone who is comfortable working online with social media platforms. The gui of wordpress for blogging makes it really simple to use and understand.
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  1. Most importantly it is cheaper to build and maintain your website or blog on wordpress compare to other options. Almost all the hosting server providers share wordpress building platform and support to the users. They also give some free software to help you with SEO on wordpress. 
  1. It is a popular platform and no doubt that a blogger comes across wordpress first and then Joomla or Drupal or others. Unless you are not looking for some great dynamic features and have a team of coders, we do not recommend anything but wordpress for blogging. 
  1. WordPress has one big advantage that it has made SEO simple for its users. SEO means search engine optimisation which is required to help your blog make its place in the Google search engine results. It is essential if you want to reach a wider audience and get good online traffic on your blog. It offers multiple seo enabled tools in the wordpress dashboard that help you configure your blog for best results.
write a good article
write a good article
  1. Other Advantages of using WordPress is that it gives you the wings to open an e-commerce website as well. You can use Woo-commerce, which is an e-commerce add on to wordpress to build a website that is capable of purchasing and selling products online. E-commerce websites are considered difficult to manage and modify, but with wordpress and woo-commerce it has become easier and more cost effective. 
  2. You can have multiple users for your wordpress tool management. Each user can be assigned different permissions to use wordpress. You can have author logins, administration logins, contributor’s logins, editor logins etc. for your wordpress blog. You can set-up multiple users for the website and assign access levels and capabilities to each user.
    advantages of wordpress for blogging
    advantages of wordpress for blogging
  3. It is very easy to operate compared to other blogging tools and has wider options for considerations. Does not require any HTML coding knowledge to make changes. Adding new post, image, or link is really easy and smooth flow.
  4. Developing your website on content management system allows you to make the regular updates on the website yourself. There is no need to call your web programmer every time you require some editing, modification or changes in the code. It is quite easy to use wordpress for these requirements.
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PS: The website you are on right now, reading this article is also wordpress powered!!



blogger wordpress advantages
blogger wordpress advantages

We here at quikrpost provide you with lots of training materials and tutorials to walk you through how to manage your own blog and website on wordpress. This saves you a great deal of money since after learning on wordpress, you do not have to pay your programmer to make any changes on your blog or website.

We have to stop here now and breathe some good air before we start using wordpress.

The benefits and advantages of wordpress are so many that we cannot just finish that all in one single post. We will come up with more on wordpress tips, tutorials and guides, so stay connected and yes stay updated with us.

Now it is your turn to tell me if I miss out on any other advantage of wordpress over the other tools. Your contribution will help this forum to know wordpress better.

You can share your thought and views with us in the comment section below.



5 thoughts on “12 Big Advantages of Using WordPress for Blogging

  1. Thanks for sharing this.. I’m Recently Create a website on WordPress and has Lots of feature to improve SEO.

  2. Wow, this is very interesting! Your thoughts have brought the topic to limelight. Thank you for sharing it. I look forward to more articles based on this topic. Thank you again.

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