How to Sell Your Skills in Interview and Get Your Dream Job

Yes interviews are tough to crack especially when the demand is less and options are more. Today companies are looking for people who can create assets for the company. People who can talk, present and sell their product to the possible customers and convert their options into values. They want people who can do multitasking. People who alone can manage the work of 2. How can a newbie without any experience but skills be able to know that? That is why we are rejected in many interview even when we showcase best of talents. 

interview tips
how to crack interviews, easy steps to follow

Many believe that interviews are not cracked with talent but with sheer luck, since today everyone has almost same measure of knowledge and are at same level of intelligence. Then what can make the difference that can count in your selection process.

Before face to face interview you have to submit your resume and then on the basis of your resume you are called for another round of face to face interview. So you would never want that your resume be dropped from the list and you are not called for the interview. We also don’t want that to happen and that is why we have collected some really good points that will ensure that you are selected for the face to face interview round. Learn below how to build a resume that can get you an Interview call.

Learn How to Cook an effective Resume that can get you an Interview call.

Speaking skills

It is important for you to learn it. Try to speak up in front of public with confidence. If you can’t face the public then it shows your lack of confidence.To have good speaking skills read good English books and novels. Improve your vocabulary and learn some new and good English words.
Try speaking in front of the mirror to notice where you make mistake while speaking in English. Have the correct accent so that the person listening to you can understand what you want to say. Never mumble while speaking. Improve your proficiency in English.

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Tip:-Sometimes having the knowledge of some other foreign language such as Chinese or french or Spanish or any other helps you get an edge over others in interviews. 

Confidence on you face shows up

If you are prepared for every possible question they may ask in Interview than you are confident. It shows up on your face but sometimes the very fear of chances of not getting selected over shadows the confidence inside you. Don’t let it happen. Always remember that this is not the only job and the last job. There are many and you are prepared to face them all if needed. Sometimes you need to tackle some situations which are created in Interviews to test your presence of mind in pressure situations.

Body language

Body language is noticed by every individual and it plays an important role in creating a note good or a bad note in any one’s mind. One advise “Don’t play with your body while you are doing a face to face interview”. Many have a habit of playing hands in air while answering to the questions. Some revolve on their seats when seated on a revolving chair. Some vibrate their legs out of nervousness. Some keep their hands in folded position near to chest. Some play with pens in their hands while facing the questions. Don’t do any of these things. They are not liked by anyone since it creates distraction.

learn good body language
How to interact , your body language

Tip:-Wear clean simple formals while going for interview.
Don’t wear anything that may cause distraction and anything regular like jeans. They put you in bad position.

Presence of mind

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Keep your mind open to what is coming next. They always check your presence of mind in technical Interviews. Improve your concentration power to acquire the High IQ and good presence of mind.

Observe Things around you always in life not only in interviews. Observing things as they happen and getting into the very detail helps improving your mental sharpness.

Your aptitude and out of the box thinking

Apptitude tests are taken before the face to face interviews to eliminate the major section of crowd and filter those who can perform good in that job position. So revise your basic math and aptitude section to fit into the right shoes.
It is sometimes followed by GD (group discussion) round. It is also a part of selection process and needs to be cleared.

Learn :- How to crack a GROUP DISCUSSION- Golden 5 Tips and Tricks

“Out of the box thinking” as the line speaks up that “don’t think very anticipating”. Think differently and innovatively. Creativity and innovation is the key to success here.

Your presentation skills

You should know how to Presenting yourself to anyone who does not who you are. You must be able to give him clear picture of your personality and skills. Follow your true nature and never fake yourself, don’t try to fake your identity. Be positive and never use negative words during your interview.

Learn How to Impress Audience with Presentation Skills, methods followed by Successful Presentaters


These points are always checked while your interview is going on and around 90% people don’t pay attention to these and results in failure. You don’t make this mistake and create your destiny. Luck favors those who favors themselves.

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We hope that your next interview will be your best Interview

Happy Learning !!


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