How to Start Blogging Website With No Coding?

Internet has become a place of sharing information and knowledge. Every other person wants to have his own identity on internet. All offline business are shifting to online portals and websites. But how do they do this? Blogging is the answer. The most common way of sharing knowledge, opinions, content, and ideas on internet is via blog.

Do they spend lots of money to come online and sell their product? My answer to this question is “It depends on the correct guidance”. Yes it does make a difference by huge amount.

You can start your online career with a small investment of under 5k or if you are unaware of this then you might land up paying more than 20k to the website designers and other mediators for doing the same work that you can do sitting at home.

Some very Common Questions that pops up in the minds of blogging starters are:-

Q How to start Journey on the first blog?

Q What all do I need to start my blog?

Q How to do blogging?

Q How much do I need to spend to start my first blog?

Q Does blogging requires coding experience or knowledge of website designing?

Q How to bring your website live on internet?

If you are having any of these questions then we are going to answer all these in this particular article. And if you have any other question other than those stated above, you can ask us because there is no harm in asking.

Let me answer first the most important question in mind “How much do I need to spend to start my first blog?”

If you are looking to start your first blog then you need to spend under 5k. How come there is no fixed price?

You need to buy 2 things to start your blog. One is your domain name and the other is the hosting.

Domain names are cheap to buy if they are not on auction and available to purchase. You need to think of a name that will be the name of your blog on internet. Like,,, etc.

A domain name is the part of your Internet address that comes after “www”. For example, in the domain name is

A domain name becomes your Business Address so care should be taken to select a domain name. Your domain name should be easy to remember and easy to type.

If you are having problem finding a perfect domain name for your blog or website, you can contact us and We will arrange one for you at a very small cost which will include your domain price as well.


How to get a domain name?

When you plan to put a site online, this is one of the important steps “to buy a domain name”. This is always not necessary that whatever domain name you are looking that is available so in that case you will have to opt for any other good domain name.

Information you should know “When you buy a domain name, it is registered @ ICANN and when domain names are registered, they are added to a large domain name register having millions of other names also. They store the information about your site – including your Internet IP address is stored on a DNS server and your contact information etc. is registered with your registrar’.

You can buy domain name from any domain registrar like,, and many others. If you are having difficulty in deciding which one is better than I would recommend you to buy it from


Choosing a perfect domain name

You can also choose among the various domain extensions like .com, .in,, .edu, .guru, .blog etc.

The .edu is meant for educational institutes, .gov is for governmental organizations while extensions like .guru, .blog are really costly and not yet very common in use.

Most commonly used is .com

  • .com – Stands for company/commercial, but it can be used for any web site.
  • .net – Stands for network and is usually used for a network of sites.
  • .org – Stands for organization and is supposed to be for non-profit bodies.
  • .us, .in – They are based on your country names so that you can go for country specific domain extensions.
  • .biz – A newer extension on the Internet and can be used to indicate that this site is purely related to business.
  • .info – Stands for information. This domain name extension can be very useful, and as a new comer it’s doing well.
  • .tv – Stands for Television and are more appropriate for TV channel sites.
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You can check out the other domain names extensions on Wikipedia.


high level of domain names extensions
Different types of domain name extensions

Tips for buying domain names

While many people love to have a keyword in a domain name, it should be small and easy to spell. You should try to keep the domain name short, free of special characters and memorable.

Using keywords in your domain name give you a strong competitive advantage over your competitors. Having your keywords in your domain name can increase click through rates on search engine listings and paid ads

Avoid buying long, and confusing domain names. Single word or double word domain names are easy to remember and they are very much loved by the readers.

It also helps in making it easier to using your keywords in getting keyword rich descriptive inbound links.

You should be able to say it over the telephone once and the other person should know how to spell it and they should know what you sell. If you can do that than 50% of your website is already a hit on internet.


This was all for domain name. Let’s move on to the other part:-HOSTING

Hosting is required to save your data which will be published on your blog. You have the name of you blog, now you need space on internet to start your blog. Without space you cannot publish anything on internet. This is where you have to spend around 4k to get a best hosting package. You need to make sure that your hosting servers are very good and will not show you messages such “server down”.

Many hosting providers are very cheap but they don’t provide you with best after sale services. Many have big offers running and you need to get them at the right time from the right place.

I would recommend you, since I have been using it for last 2 years and have not faced any issues related to services and product. They are quick in resolving your queries and have online chat available to solve your problems. It is a very popular and US based firm with branches in India as well.

The hosting package is provided with many other options like security, email managing, control panel, and many others. For the extra they charge you extra money. So do make a quick survey that what all do you require to start you blog in minimum cost. You can contact us ( for any such cost management where our staff will help you decide the best offers and facilities at minimum cost. We have various marketing links with hostgator and bigrock so we will find you the best offers available with them. And some extra discounts for being our guest.


Now since you are clear with your budget requirements and what all you need to start website, we can proceed to the next important question “Does blogging requires coding experience or knowledge of website designing?”

With Hosting you get a package of tools that are very easy to use and you won’t need any prior experience with coding and website designing. All you need is some creative skills and an idea to start with.

Although having a knowledge of coding will surely help you in being more creative but now there are many small plugins (apps) that works with tool and are capable of doing anything you require.

So your creativity is not limited with the use of just the tools. We have shared the best plugins used in industry and are very essential for your website. You can check out the list of top plugins.

Top 10 MUST have WordPress Plugins for Passionate Bloggers


You might be unaware of the word plugins right now but later in this post you will soon come to know what are they.

MUST READ  12 Big Advantages of Using Wordpress for Blogging


Now “How to bring your Website Live on Internet?”

You Already Have a Web Hosting Account ?

We assume you already have a hosting account and if not then you can purchase one here with at discounted rate

Hostgator new AN 728X90


On registration you get server IP and name servers. Also you get the password and username for your account. “Name servers”, or “DNS servers”, loosely speaking, are the things that will translate your domain name to the actual location of your website.

The list of name servers will often look like,, and so on, where “” will probably be replaced by some other domain name used by your web host for their servers.

servers for hosting blog
These are the necessary hosting info for your blog

Your web host may give you 2 or more name server addresses. Note down all these names.

Once you have the list of name servers, go to your domain name registrar and log into their system. You will obviously need the login name and password that you created when you first registered your domain.

Once logged in, you will need to look for some option to either set your domain’s name servers or change them.

Select the domains for which you want to set the name servers. Once you manage to find the correct page to change your name servers, you will probably see a form that lets you enter things like your “Primary Name Server”, “Secondary Name Server”. A domain name should have at least 2 name servers associated with it. They are there to provide a bit of redundancy, so that your site will still work if the first name server fails.

Once you’ve set your name servers, you’re done. Yes, you read that right. That’s all there is to it. You’ll have to wait a bit, though, before you can access your website using your domain name.

 Your control panel look like this



Now look at the icon with the name QuickInstall. Once you are ready with your name servers hosting you need to click on that icon and open it up. This will lead you to the page where you can select to install the back-end software for you website which will serve as the back bone to your website. We recommend wordpress because it is one of the  best content management system for websites. check out others and make good choice.

How to start your journey on the first blog?

We have everything in place. We have the website live on internet working as smoothly as butter. We have the required tools to start posting articles or publicizing products.

You need to know a little bit about some basic things like plugin, widgets, pages, post, comments, themes, theme options, settings (author name and bio, users, permissions, etc.)

Plugins are various apps that help you in your blogging and ads more options of creativity to your blog. We have a list of some essential plugins that are required in blogging. Don’t install them all at once. Install them as and when required.

Widgets are basically java scripts and help you to add dynamic content and side bar options in your website.

They are a type of plugins and can be installed via plugin install option.

The theme of your website is the template that your website will hold. The look and structure of your website or in lay man language “the footprint” of the website is your theme.

You can change the theme of your website anytime with the themes options but we would suggest to choose the best suited theme initially and stay with that. Switching between multiple themes might crash some plugins and you might face problems in your website looks.

Many themes have the theme options which helps you in changing the various formats of your theme as per requirements.

There is an option for changing the settings of your wordpress dashboard and website, like permissions and user related. You can check out all the settings and use them as and when required.

Now the question that comes to us is how to use those tools to start with our first perfect post.

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TIP:-Try to become familiar with each and every tool in the initial stage so that you may not face any difficulty later. You can experiment with your website and tools and see what this tool can do when the website is in its initial phase. So do some learning and then start working on your blog. Later when you have done some posting and blogging there won’t be much scope for testing and experimenting.

Don’t worry we are not going to leave you in between all these tools alone.

We will guide you how to start with your first blog post and after that you will be able to write and post any other post on your website.

Before we start with that we would suggest you to install a plugin named “TinyMCE Advanced” and check the difference in your visual editor when writing a new post.

Now you have to go to post > add new post

Now paste your article in the main section and add a title in the title section.

Now do the required formatting and then check the preview of the post. On the right side you will find the option of preview and publish. Don’t publish the post unless you are ready to. Check the preview and then include the changes in the post.

You can add media files like picture, video, audio, file etc. in your post.

You can change the text style and size also. You can change the color of the text and can even add link to the image or text anywhere in the article.

You can save your post as a draft for later publishing or you can set a schedule time for publishing the post. This way you won’t need to login again to publish, it will automatically get published at the scheduled time and date.

You need to add some tags (keywords) to your post that will help the google search bot to identify your post and rank it.

You can also add some meta description to your post which will be visible as a short description on search results.

This is all you need to know to start to post on your blog. Go and publish your first post and share it with your friends and circles.


After all this we are on our last question How to do Blogging

The Question might be small but the answer is not and cannot be explained with just a single post. To learn to do blogging you need to learn many parts of blogging. We have a section on blogging that is completely dedicated to blogging life where you can learn everything about blogging which can lead your blog to the path of high ranking and popularity.

Meanwhile you can read these blogging related articles for more understanding


The important point to remember is taking small steps that would lead to productive results instead of rushing into something without giving a deep thought.

With this thought we would hope to listen from you and share with you more on blogging. You can ask you queries and share your opinions in the comment section where we may unfold some more knowledge.



2 thoughts on “How to Start Blogging Website With No Coding?

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