How can You do Money Making Online with YouTube

It won’t be wrong to say that “YouTube is the biggest open library of videos on earth” where anyone can learn, spend time, contribute and also share the knowledge or info.

No one can deny from the fact that YouTube (which is a part of Google) is one of the most accessed website and most common website used for watching any video all over the world.

Now why I am telling you all this, which in fact you already know. What you might not know is that you can earn Dollars from YouTube daily while sitting at home. It is said that YouTube is an ATM machine for those who know how to insert the correct code and card.

Can anyone make dollars out of YouTube or is this a joke?

Actually it is not a Joke neither it is a shortcut. It is one of the beautiful technique that you can use to make good money from home.

How do Video bloggers on YouTube earn
Video Blogging on YouTube to earn extra money

Why use YouTube as first option for making or let’s say earning online money?

When it comes to earning online, the first thing that comes to mind is blogging. May be many people are lured by the high CPC values of keywords in blogging or the other reason can be the short knowledge of blogging and no knowledge of YouTube earning potential and benefits. Let’s check out some of them here so that next time you won’t have any confusion in your mind.

Earning money on YouTube can be an easy option for startups and also sometimes you can earn more than what you can from blogging. And this holds true in the online earning and marketing world. YouTube can give you fame and money both.


#### No Domain and Hosting Required on YouTube ####

This is my first logical reason for choosing YouTube video publishing. No Domain name required and no hosting required, so it saves you more than 60$ a year. And if we do some deep analysis than you will see that 60$ is just for the first year hosting, from next year onwards you need to pay more than that approximately 88$ a year.

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Moreover that is something you are spending every damn year no matter you are earning out of this or not. Many bloggers fail to do so and they quit after 1st year.

While with YouTube you have a channel name so you can easily distinguish yourself from others without any extra cost. May be from tomorrow YouTube may start charging for channels also after reading this post so hurry up make your YouTube channel now.

The channel is kind of separate section on YouTube where user will see all the uploads and activity done by uploader. If user uploader has enabled his setting visitors can see his interactions too.

Now isn’t it really cool to get your content hosted by site which is among world’s top 5 sites and whose servers are present at so many locations of the world. You won’t have to face any issues related to servers and hosting.

Concluding to this point, YouTube will be your money making method with Zero initial investment.


why to upload video on YouTube
YouTube can be your money making machine

###### Start Earning from very first day ######

Another extra edge on YouTube is that you need not wait for anything. You can start earning from the very first day itself. Join the YouTube , create a channel, upload a video and there you are, LIVE on YouTube.

Although there are some ways and tips to make genuine money flowing into your pocket and we have discussed that too in the next post. So stay connected to learn the best tips and tricks used in Industry that is making people millionaire on YouTube Channels.

Some points to be remembered while uploading a video

  • Upload video which does not violate YouTube or AdSense terms and conditions.
  • Avoid uploading any adult video or low graphics video.


####### Easy AdSense Approval via YouTube ########

Getting AdSense Account on YouTube is easy and simple.

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Most of the Time people get rejected for their AdSense account when they ask for one in Blogging or website. Google has some criteria for the Indians and South Asians countries that ask the domain to be at least 6 months old or so and having mentionable content and traffic. But do we know that if you apply AdSense via YouTube or Blogger it becomes relatively easy to get one.

Though this AdSense will be content host type but then you can always add your blog or website to this account once you think you fulfill all the necessary criteria of getting an approved account.


######## All Ready Platform with Huge Audience #######

This is one of the most enticing thing that holds so much value in the internet market that you cannot deny of easily. Building an audience base of even few hundreds all by yourself can bring you headache. Think of reaching out to more than that anytime by just the push of the upload button.

Moreover you need not build any platform to raise your content. All is ready for you.

What else do you ask for now? Now if your video is catchy and entertaining then it can certainly get you the fame and money. There are examples of many such people who have in no time pushed their earnings so high that one would doubt about his ways of earnings.

So Why not to pick up your Camera and mic and create a video on something interesting.


######### Earning Extra $$$ with YOUTUBE ########

YouTube can be a supportive platform for your online earning when you are building your blog. Let us say you are having some video tutorials on your blog and once your Blog is all set have enough traffic you can also upload these on YouTube and earn some extra bug. There are variety of software available which let you record your screen; so you can do video tutorials easily by it.

It can also benefit you by getting visitors who are not using Google as primary search engine and your site is beyond their reach till now.

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Another point that makes YouTube preferable for online earning platform is that it supports almost all the format of videos and you can post videos in so many different categories. It can be your trip to goa or the hotel you stayed at Mumbai. You can also make tutorials on WordPress, hosting and other blogging or technical stuff. People also do the reviews of gadgets on YouTube to get benefited from YouTube earning.

So much to do and so much to earn. The only thing required is something different that can be catchy and worth sharing. The more the people like your videos the more they will share their views on the social sites and other networking platforms. More share means more views.

Although there are some ways and tips also to make genuine money flowing into your pocket and we have discussed that too in the next post.


lets share because sharing is caring
lets share because sharing is caring

Now we would like you to share your views and thoughts with us.

Share it because there is no harm in sharing and when you share you actually make network with others. 

So keep sharing and keep discovering



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