9 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies & Techniques To Follow

Gone are the days of traditional door to door marketing. With the arrival of the internet, globalisation reached new heights rapidly reducing the world into a global village. Social media marketing is on the boom nowadays. Anything that finds a place in one of the social networking websites is for sure to get into the limelight. Moreover, social media is designed for people to help them communicate and share the common interests. The ultimate goal of the social media marketing is to reach the target audience.

So, why not use these easy digital means or best social media marketing strategies to accomplish the golden task of reaching millions of people online. While using social media for marketing purpose, you need to make sure you are using this platform in the right way to reap finest benefits.

Read further to know best social media marketing techniques to follow as to cement your place in the digital market.

how to Social Media Marketing
how to Social Media Marketing

9 Best Social Media Marketing Techniques To Follow

Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook are some of the widely used social networking websites with a large user base. These are not the only available social media platforms to apply your best social media marketing strategies but these are well known so we will take these into examples below. The ways to reach via social media marketing will follow same strategies on every other platform as well. Lets Figure out some ways to utilize these websites to the fullest.

Here are few tips to follow for best social media marketing:


#1 Twitter: Increase the Number of Retweets

Get more audience on your twitter post. So, what should the post include? Content and sight snatching images are crucial for an attractive post. Remember, content is the key factor, concentrate to put best of best. Give some thought-provoking data and leave the audience longing. Since, Twitter has introduced some inline images it is been a great advantage in adding images to your post. In case you are a new user concentrate on building contacts. With enticing data and a good number of contacts, you can start off using Twitter.

Twitter can be best social media marketing tool ever. Find out people who are interested in your service you can figure out them from the public lists. Once you find them “follow” them who are likely to follow you. The public lists on Twitter are categorized based on various parameters making your search easy.

To get new followers, there are some apps to help you. “Twellow” is one among them to aid you in reaching your goal. It is free and useful site similar to “yellow pages” for Twitter. Follow your target audience to give them the desired product.

Specialized prompts can further make your task simpler. Utilize specialized Twitter search prompts to reveal the basic search facility on Twitter. This search you cannot believe produce tremendous results. It is no doubt one among the most powerful researching market tools.

Make use of these tips to reach a large number of users who are probably in need of your product or service.


#2 Constant Improvement of the Content

Best Social Media Marketing strategies
Best Social Media Marketing strategies

The majority of the businesses analyze the impact of the content on social media after posting. But, there are few tools available to help you examine the content beforehand. These tools can figure out the effective and high traffic drive for your website.

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Further, some contents are better performers on some networks while others on other networks. So, find out this factor before curating your data on a specific network. You can have great chances of succeeding when published a right post on an apt network.

“Filter content by type,” you can utilize if your content consists some infographics or videos. Alternatively, use “filter by time period,” in case trying to find out the popular data on the network in the last 24 hours. Or probably to figure out evergreen data that’s been popular for a period of time probably a year.


#3 Run Social Media Events

By hosting a social media event that is focusing on your fan community, can help you create traffic. Additionally, you can build a raving community looking forward more from your end.

One of the events can be “Fan Page Friday,” where you are enabling the fans of your page to share their links on your page on that day. Run the event for 24 hours. Consequently, you can find some fans leaving behind a tremendous community. The EdgeRank climbs up.

Most of the page owners host Fun Page Friday weekly once. However, running the event once in four or six weeks will give you effective results. Without any hassles, the event results in an increase of several hundred or more fans.

Using Hashtags is a primary aspect. Do not forget to use one before prime words. Say, for instance, #FacebookFriday. Your initial invitation of the event should be sent out in the early hours of the day. Keep some more invites peeping in between through the day. It just serves as a soft reminder for your fans.

Live Webinars is a great platform to give away the enticing content. Budget your effort and time spending on the webinar as you can monetize them. A lot of business model though small or large resort on these to reap moderate benefits.


Techniques of social media marketing
best methods of social media marketing

#4 LinkedIn’s “Your Day”

LinkedIn’s Your Day do not leave your time invested on a social platform void. It is simple yet effective sync your calendar and contacts with your day now. The feature will open up the networks you are looking to involve and communicate deeply. Moreover, the characteristic is quite new and only handful people using this. So, it is the right time to use this to climb up one more step.

“Your Day,” will remind the birthdays of the peers in the group. Probably, one can expect on an average one or two “congratulations” on LinkedIn compared to 50 to 100 on Facebook. Outshine in the crowd and show them you pay special attention towards your group.

If one of the champ gets promoted in a company you are looking for then you can communicate him and wish him for the successful leap. Use the opportunity and stay in touch with the person.

In case, if you are always on wheels then announcement section help you trace out who are currently available in the city you are in. Most of the meetings are not just over face-to-face. Without any obstacles you can set off meetings in the city you are there or you are about to travel.

A follow-up of reminders actually matters a lot. This feature will remind you if have kept something about the person and it shows off until you are doing something.

Additionally, when your contacts are synced with the calendar and if you have an appointment with the other person with a LinkedIn account, then you can look the profile of the person. By having a preview of the profile, you can now know who you are meeting. You can make the note of detail who shared the contact of the person. It is a win-win for both.

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Engage with the community, talk to them regularly; review their efforts on a daily basis. This gesture of yours will have a huge impact so give few minutes for the act every day.


SMM to use
SMM to use

#5 Use Images Efficiently

Posting attractive images is half done. Both on Facebook, Instagram and also Twitter, images sell off a lot. On an average for every second there are 6,000 tweets. This amounts to about 200 billion tweets a year. That’s huge numbers do you find any other better place to market? Instagram is basically collection of images that rank. The more style and info you give via image or video, the more you can reach wider audience online.

To raise the retweets make sure your post is attractive on Twitter. On the other hand, in case of Facebook to increase likes and shares. Additionally, the visual of your post speaks a lot. The visuals capture the sight of the user. While selecting visual pick the one that depicts your content. One post on Twitter can have up to 4 visuals. The images you are using is left to your discretion you can use them in any numbers. But, if you are using multiple images use Twitter, instagram to upload as no third-party sites have such good features.

On Facebook too, images amplify your fan following. Use blank images containing some signs, talking bursts, or chalkboards. Now add some text to the image. Let the content resemble conversation having couple of questions followed by answers. This keeps the user engaged and curious to read more.


#6 Dig Deep into the Subject and do not be Extensive

“Jack of all, Master of none,” does not actually go well with social media. When you are showcasing certain business on social media, make sure you are well versed in the subject. Dealing with two different things leave you flounder and leading you nowhere. When dealing with social media channels, an ideal way to break them is social networking sites vs. social platforms.

Make use of social platform like “soapboxes,” that can provide you extensive podiums to demonstrate your credibility and expertise.  But, ensure you provide a feedback method for your discussion. The methods include YouTube, podcasting, SlideShare, and blogging.

Business to Consumer (B2C) or Business to Business (B2B) irrespective of the type of business you own, to reap profits concentrate on one network initially. Develop a deep level engagement with these customers. Once you master the network, you can expand and widen the span into other regions.


#7 Use Hashtags Tactically

hashtags for social media marketing
hashtags for social media marketing

Stop using random hashtags that make your content unattractive and less palatable for the reader. Use them strategically. A good pattern usage should tie your entire campaign together.

When you are using a hashtag try to use something simple and easily spelled. Before using one make sure it is not used for some other thing prior. You can check all the channels too, prior using it in your campaign.

To get some images on a hashtag you can use TwiPho. Sprout Social and Social Mention are few sites that can be used to follow the ones you have used.


#8 Social Update Library is a must

Most of the businesses stay back or almost out of the race of social media owing to lack of the idea of posting anything. So, to overcome the glitch you must batch the content along with the respective social media update. Once the data is organised, you can easily figure out the left out in turn to come up with the new updates.

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Whenever your website or blog gets a new post (may be a podcast, article or video) simultaneously update the social media with 10 or 20 posts. Consequently, the new content posted fetches a lot of views due to social media promotion.

Sales pages, products pages or any other content on your websites can be promoted using the trick. Once you are done with updating on all the social networking websites, keep a track of everything in an Excel sheet. As per your convenience you can only add the link and social update or along with that you can add some content too. This is a track of your previous updates.

Updating the excel sheet pays off you in the long run. As you have documented all the tweets and other social media updates it is a library you have in the later years.  Whenever you are about to create a new update, given some time to have a backup.


#9 Social Media Updates are the Inputs for your Blog post

Best Social Media Marketing to follow
Best Social Media Marketing to follow

Pick some of the Facebook posts and tweets popular in the network. Or the ones you feel zealous to develop. Do not keep the content too long running into three or four pages. Rather do not keep it too short like few paragraphs. Keep the data median, thought stimulating, and easily understandable. The paragraphs may be short with one or three sentences. Make the info valuable.

Commenting on blogs, posts, or newsletters whatever relevant to your business gives you ideas on improving your content. When you read these data, you can have an idea of what to write and what attracts the audience. Go ahead to pen down them. Additionally, when you are leaving comments on the posts, you are recognized by the people who are active on the social media. Exactly, you are looking out for the same.

You can document these comments and the topic of this post can be used as the topic for your next post. Or probably the comment itself can be your next post. There are few best social media marketing tools that can make your task of syndicating or sharing your opinion on various social platforms easy.



Try following these Best social media marketing strategies on various social media platforms and you will see some changes in your favor soon. People will start noticing your brand and website. If you will give good value to the reader and some really cool and informative article, they will land up on your website every then and now. So try to make good use of these best social media marketing techniques and tips and get the results.


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