How to Create a Blog Post that Stays on Top of Google Rankings


create a blog post that stays on top of google search page
create a blog post that stays on top of google search page

Smart idea

Creativity is the key element in the blogging field. People love creative ideas and they like to try new things online. Give them new things to read or learn. Make your blog look for creative In terms of design and interface. Give your new visitors a cool new first impression of your blog. Many times a dull looking blog gets neglected although if it has great content. Google takes bounce rate very seriously and if you can hold a visitor for a longer duration you can definitely enjoy some google top rankings.

Enjoy Reading this top rated article :- Best SEO Practices to follow for best Online blogging results


Unexplored Area or Topic

Always look for topics that are not yet explained on Internet. Such topics will automatically rank you on top of google search results. To do this there are multiple ways.

  • Use words or string of words that are common on google search engine. Mostly people use google to ask something, so many questions start from “how to”. Many use search engine to find something so they usually use words like “top best”. Many search for guide or tutorials for learning so they have words in search string including “tutorials, guide, and pdf”.
    Finally people will search for something related to your blog niche like if you blog about technology then there can be search for “latest tech news”. I have given you some examples but these are common and they might not benefit you a lot, so you need to do some searching that what are google trends now and what is the traffic on those keywords. Using such high traffic keywords in your Blog post or Blog Title will rank your blog post on top of search results.


  • Try to create a Title that is both catchy and trendy.

  • Write blog about topics that you have faced as a problem and then when you tried to find the solution on google you couldn’t find anything satisfactory. Such topics are going to bring you really good organic traffic. They might have low traffic but the hits are really going to show you on top of google search. The Google panda algorithm is smart to check which topic is useful and new on internet. It tries to find out if any other similar content is available on internet or not and when finds nothing but your blog post, it keeps a record of it on top of the list which in turn helps you in getting good google ranking.


Unique and Eye-catching Title

Title is like the marketing point for you. If your bog post is showing up in google search results then your blog title will help you move your rank up on search result page. The Page rank is also effected with your blog title.

Create a Title that can generate curiosity in the minds of the viewer. The more the effective the title is, the more are the chances of your post getting hits and traffic.

Title should be short (not too short) and catchy that can actually arouse curiosity in the mind of the reader. It should be very apt with the content and should not promise something that is not provided in the content. 


Use of Great Picture

We usually forget this part of post and don’t give much importance to it. But next time do focus on this element of your post as well.

  • (Use good pictures and don’t use too many). You won’t like to surf a heavy page that takes minutes to appear on screen. Surely not, humans are short on patience when on internet. Don’t use heavy images and pictures which are of size greater than 500kb.

  • Avoid using pictures from google images or any copyright protected pictures even if you are thinking of giving credits. Use your own clicked pictures or images (helps in bringing traffic from google images as well).

  • Give your pictures an effective description, tags, alt attributes and title. Making sure that your picture is unique and having all the above mentioned descriptions will help you get traffic from google images as well. Many websites are generating money just from this source.

  • Use a catchy and perfect fitting feature image for your post. When a visitor comes to your blog, he not only reads the Title of your post but also look at the feature image and that can help him understand what are you going to reveal in your post. If it is really good, he would surely want to give a look to the post.

start your own blog on photography today
blogging on photography skills

Use tags and keywords (long tail Keywords)

Tags and Keywords are really important aspect of your blog and are also listed in list of SEO must have blogging category.

Learn about Long Tail Keywords and how can they drive huge traffic to your blog.

Provide a description for the post that will be visible to the person on search results. There is an element in your WordPress post called description. Many people forget to add or write a simple description and many mark it as a default piece so every time they publish a post it automatically pick up the top few lines of your post and add it as the description. Try to write a separate description to help google understand your article better.


Become Social

Use social sharing plugins to allow readers to share the post in their network. Spreading a word of information about your latest publish is really very helpful in bringing your blog into some highlight.

Don’t forget to ask readers to share their views and thoughts in the comment section. All though this does not have much effect on the rankling or google traffic but few SEO experts believe that it is taken into consideration.


blogging : google ranking factors
blogging : google ranking factors

Be Yourself and Original

Your content should not be a copy paste material. Google is very strict on this issue and may even penalize your blog and website for not following his terms and conditions. No one likes to read the same information again and again written in just different words. Don’t tell the same old story but in the different manner. You can’t over smart the readers at all times.

Sometimes in a manner to stay active on blog we usually copy and paste content on our blog. To avoid this you can check out how to stay active and motivated on your blog and add new content to it.

“Use your words”, don’t write articles in third person context unless you are presenting yourself as a network of online community.


Improve your Post

Use small paragraphs or try to create a numbering or bullet list to list the various aspects of your content. Using Bullets and numbering helps the reader to easily understand the things and make a note of those points discussed. It also makes the article more neat and clean.

Use colors that are not too bright and are not very sharp also. A color matching scheme which follows with your theme or template color should be used. Use of too many colors in an article is also not good and make your post look like an immature content.

Great use of fonts and style is also a very effective medium to attract attention of the readers.

Try to give lots of information and ideas in a single post. A post consisting of around 1000 or more words is usually the favorites of google bot and they are ranked high.

Try not to include too many ads and pop ups in between your content. This may irritate the reader and will result in poor bounce rate thus affecting your rankings.


Avoid Making common blogging mistakes that can reduce your traffic and result in a lower ranking.

Some suggested articles to help you do better blogging


Your Turn

Now it is your turn to share your views and ideas with us and tell us what you think.


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