Everything you Need to Know About Powerful Guest Posting

Best Reasons for Guest Blogging is to drive traffic to your blog

“Guest Blogging” is something newbie bloggers don’t take very seriously. But those who are working in the blogging industry from long time knows that it is a powerful tool to use. We will tell you everything that you need to know and learn (to become a professional blogger) about guest blogging.

guest blogging and its advanteages
everything you need to know about guest blogging

What is guest blogging?

In simple lay man words Guest Blogging is a medium by which any author (reader on some blog acting as a guest) can share his article on other blog as a guest and can also allow others to share articles on his own blog as a guest. Easy to understand but why was this started in the first place? Nothing is done for the society unless people find some selfish demands getting met. In other words it follows the simple formula of “Give and take”.

You give something and in return you get something. Now the question is what is this “SOMETHING” here?

You will soon get to know, what is this something that is getting exchanged via guest post and guest blogging. Let us move step by step so that we may not miss “SOMETHING”.

Thinking hard and scratching brains to find the answers to the below questions, right?

Should I write guest blog? Or rather

Should I start guest blogging on my blog?

When we come across the word “guest blogging” and understand what it means, the first thing that comes to our mind is the above 2 questions. And many of us are unable to decide the write path to follow.

The best part is that you are now with us and reading this valuable article which will soon solve your confusion and show you the right path to follow.

Write a guest post or in other words do some guest blogging. Did I just gave you the answer? Actually Yes and really No.

If you are working on your first blog and you don’t have a really good traffic and followers then you should write some guest post for some blogs that are working in the same blogging are as you are. E.g. if you are having a blog or website on technology then you should write a good guest post for a popular technology blog.

Also if you are new to guest blogging fundamentals then you should first write for others then start your own.

Why I am saying this? To understand this lets discuss the Advantages of writing a guest post.

#1       A guest post give your readers a change of voice explaining things in a different way. Many a times the readers get bored of the usual blog posting methods and reading similar type of voice and they want a change. Give them the change and get attention that you want on your blog. Keep your website fresh with new articles that can help you engage new readers to your blog. Guest blogging helps you achieving this.


#2      SEO “Search Engine Optimization”. You know about it, right? If not then you can check out this really interesting article on Search Engine Optimization.

How can guest blogging help you in SEO is a very important subject to understand. When you are posting a guest post on a website you are actually getting a backlink which will help the google bot the popularity of your blog and website.

That is one way, now the other:-If your guest article is really impressive it will automatically lead the readers to your blog. You need to have smart blogging skills to direct your reader to your blog. Offer them something that persuade them to reach out your blog.

Now you have directed some real good traffic to your website just by a single post on other blog. Isn’t that great.

Have some really good keywords in your blog and that will do the job for you. Also remember not to add too many keywords in your post. That will not help you and would rather degrade your post.

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#3       If you can have some really good guest post on websites with really good PR than nothing can beat that in giving you a really good boost in ranking. Choosing websites that are really original in their content and are rapidly growing is a better option.


#4          We may drive traffic and gain new readers but friendships are the juice that make guest posting go. Our friends raise our profiles and leverage our presence online. Guest posting helps one make friends quickly if you treat guest posts as you would any of your posts.

Relation building is such a nice thing in online journey that you get many benefits after getting connected with some like-minded people. You can simply get some good ideas or promote your product with the help of such people.

Building Strong long term relations takes time and efforts both. Don’t expect to make relations by just submitting one post and sitting and doing nothing.


#5         No doubt that social media has a big role to play in setting great heights for any startup. They even affect the ranking of the websites based on the sharing and likings. While you share the news of your guest blogging you might get a very huge wave of readers or you might not, all depending on your efforts and strategies.

You can take this advantage of media and direct it in your favor, all you need to do is share it.


#6     “Create Awareness”

These 2 words says it all. The more you are in the eyes of the people, the more you will be in their minds also. The human mind or I should say brain works in a very similar manner for all. When you see something again and again, you brain start to memorize it in every possible manner and then just a small hint of that thing will take you to that memory again. Isn’t that amazing and a great marketing strategy. You see that is why ads are shown very frequently at some point of time and after some time they stop showing them.

Why am I telling this here? Tell everyone you have guest blogging again and again and see the effect. Tell them you have written a guest article everywhere and then see the effect. Show them the same article again and again and then see the effect.


I think after discussing the advantages there is no need to answer the question “why I asked you to start with writing a guest post and not starting guest posting option on your own blog”.

You now know the advantages of writing a guest post but do you know “how to write one so that you can leverage all the advantages of writing a guest blog?”

I assume you are confused with this, since you thought that writing a guest post is similar to writing a normal post on your website.

Actually you need to keep certain things in mind and then write a guest post accordingly and rest all is easy.

What are those things to keep in mind?

#1 Have a clear objective

Writing a guest post with confusion in mind that weather you are writing this post to get traffic or just the backlinks and dofollow links is a real bad situation. You must be wondering that why can’t we have both from the post? Actually you can but then there can be many other reasons of writing guest post as well like promoting a product or building mail list or any other. So you need to be clear with your objectives.

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#2 You should write the post in a manner that your post get approved after being reviewed and that is possible only if you are adding value to your post and not just writing anything of no value. This creates a bad image in the mind of the blog owner and he will think twice before accepting your guest post next time.

#3 Write like a professional and don’t stuff your post with lots of keywords because it is not accepted as a good practice by search engine bot.

#4 Try to offer something to the reader in favor of something. This will help you in building relationship as well as mailing list.

#5 Follow the guidelines of the guest posting blog before submitting a post.

#6 Do have a small talk with the blog owner asking him for his permission to submit guest post on his blog. This will help you create a better relationship with the blog owner and he might get interested in your blog and add few more backlinks in his articles.

#7 Carefully select blogs to guest post on. You blog niche should match with the guest blogging website.

#8 You can increase your chances of building your email list with guest blogging.

Two easy ways to make a list of the right blogs for guest posting

  1. Go to Alltop.com or any such website and search for blogs by category. Not every blog will match your niche or post category and also not all of them will accept guest posts.
  2. Google search bar is the other option. Search for the top blogs that matches your niche and then list out the best.

#9 Optimize your by-line or author bio. Make them want to check out what is it that you do and head over to your website.

#10 Say something that will arouse the curiosity in the mind of the reader and he will follow you on your blog. You need to give them some incentive to follow you there. The easiest way to do this is to link to your squeeze page.

A squeeze page is just a page with your opt-in box and some details about your freebie incentive. It usually has a headline, a few bullet points and then the sign-up box. If you link to your squeeze page, you maximize conversions.


Before starting to do guest blogging make sure you have all these things in place and well established

  • “About us” Page
    Make sure your “about us” page is well written and creates a perfect picture of your team and about you in the mind of the readers. This is important because any first time reader will surely like to visit this page to know more about you.
  • “Home Page”
    make sure your home page is neat and simple. The text on any page or post is readable and very clear. Make sure the format of your post is not clumsy and congested. It will change the mindset of the guest blogger to cancel his plans of writing post on your blog and website.
  • “Contact us” Page
    this is the one place readers and guest blogger will visit in case they have any query or doubt with your article or your terms and conditions. You should not disappoint them by not having any contact us page or by not answering to them on the contact you gave them on the page.


Till now we discussed why to write a guest post and how to write a guest post. Now we will understand when to start your own guest blogging machine on your own blog, why to start it and how to start it.

Too many questions and one reason to learn the answers:-“More better Ranking

When to start guest blogging is something that you need to decide yourself. No one can tell you when to start. When you feel that you are a big name in the blogging market and you have many followers and traffic enough to start this new tool, go ahead.

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Why to start this is something that you might not want to discuss because we all are doing this for one main purpose and that is “Social service”, of-course not, it is money.


How to start guest Blogging?


To start it you need to think about the rewards that you are going to give to your guest bloggers for sharing articles on your website.

You need to convince them that they are in a more profitable state by submitting guest post on your blog. You need to lure them with something that can help them fulfill their goals for which they are writing guest post in the first place. Give them dofollow links, publicity and traffic or anything else that pops in your mind.


Best Plugin to install

I use “TT Guest POST Submit” plugin on my blog and I am very much satisfied with this plugin. You can use any other plugin as well if you like.


Create a hype that you are starting something big and then launch it with some great articles to follow. Use the above trick of regular advertisement.


You can create a different section for guest blogging or you can merge it with your existing categories.

That is important because the guest blogger must know where he will be able to see his post next time he visits your website.


Don’t forget to address the author with his bio and website URL. Also inform the author about the date on which you will publish his article.


Don’t forget to do a trial check once you set up the guest posting tool in place. Do atleast 2 to 3 rounds of trail checks to ensure everything is perfectly fine and working the way you want it to work. Satisfaction is really important and you won’t like to disappoint a guest blogger.


Concluding the idea with key points

It helps you in taking your blog to another higher level and get all the attention you want for your blog. You are actually able to hit the market of your niche. It is another proven method for publicizing the blog and website and reaching more audience. You also get the advantage of meeting and learning form the experts in the field. It is difficult to engage people on the same blog but with guest posting or guest blogging it helps a lot.

There are actually three main reasons why you guest blog. For credibility, for connections, and for lead generation. Most people only do it for the last one.


That was everything we wanted to tell you and now it is your turn.

If you have any questions in your mind don’t take that with you. Ask because “There is no harm in asking”.



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